February 28,2023
In those 4 years in university, I managed to get a lot of knowledge not only for the studies, but
also socialize with friends and the other people.
I hope i can easily communicate with each other and work with different teams.
A Data Engineering Student that take the degree Bachelor of Computer Science(Data Enginerring).
Very interested in programming and also this special 2u2i degree program eventhough my
programming is bad.
My age is 20 years old. As you can see, i born in Melaka at 4 February 2003. I am the youngest
boy in my family.
I can speak English, Malay,Chinese and try to learn on Japanese.
I am not good at study but i try my best to get the good result as much as i can.
Examples of the skills that i have in my life are time management, communication and problem
I also learn on c++ programming, php and html to help me expand the knowledge and improve the
I am a game lover. Eventhough i love to play games, but i also love go jogging and cycling.
During my free time, i will take around 2 hours to do exercises.
I once marched in step with a group as a Boy Scout when celebrating National Day. I also have the
chance to represented my secondary school in a badminton competition".
My hope is simple. I hope for world peace. Like what Mother Teresa say, “If we have no peace, it
is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”